These are pictures from the Family Reunion in Pismo Beach

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Anita, David and Bonsai Jackson and Thea and Arthur Rudesal in deep conversation (burp, I think we ate too many pancakes!).
Jeanette and Oma relaxing.
Stevie being pulled by Galen on the hand actuated cars Pake brought.
Juliana pushing Lizzy!  It is great to see Juliana walking again - her limp disappeared after all the exercise of this weekend!
Digging for gold (dirt babysitter).
Christopher Jackson, what a beautiful baby.
Juliana walking King, or is that King walking Juliana?
Juliana taking a bath with Lizzy (oops, I wasn't supposed to say anything about Lizzy!).  The dirt came off in layers.
Lizzy, Samantha and Stevie at Pismo Beach.
Henk, Ana and Juliana.  Lizzy took this picture.
Samantha, yes it really is her.
Lizzy walking.
Lizzy and Samantha playing digging for seashells.
Henk and Juliana enjoying the beach.