New Family Pictures.

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Juliana's first try at tying Dad's shoes (lots of twists, but no real success), Juliana finally said "Daddy do it?".
Juliana in her big girl bed, first night with sheets. 
Henk and Steve playing Battleship.
Handsome dude, ready to see a potential customer.  See, Henk can where pants other then Levi 501's.
Manuel Langtry (Ana's dad) enjoying Ana playing the piano.
Little Andrew (Andrew Langtry, Ana's brothers son), at Christmas at Henk and Ana's.
Juliana, just being cute.
Too cute, Juliana sleeping on Dad's lap.  When asked if she was ready to go to bed, she said "no, snuggle with daddy".
Stevie painting a pine wood derby car.
Juliana in Elizabeth's shoes
Another Juliana in Elizabeth's shoes
Juliana and her best friend Mikayla (Allen).
Lizzy and Juliana on Lizzy's loft bed
Henk giving Stevie a haircut
Lizzy in her birthday Masquerade ball dress.
Juliana admiring Lizzy in her birthday Masquerade ball dress.